The eye contains the components that are necessary for the proper functioning of the system. The cornea is the transparent liquid cover that focuses the light. The sclera is the white ball of the eye. The pupil is black and the iris is the hole in the retina that focuses the light on the retina. The retina form an image. The refraction phenomenon is the principle of doing the responsibility of vision. Hence, the refractive lens, refractive mirrors, the cylindrical number are the common terms associated with the ocular treatment. In this section, we will discuss corneal astigmatism briefly, and some important terms which are required or associated with this CORNEAL ASTIGMATISM treatment.

What is Flat Corneal Meridian?

As we will discuss at the top of the description that corneal astigmatism is caused by the abnormal shape of the cornea. In many cases, the cornea of the patient gets a flat corneal meridian, and can be able to see the near subjects, but cannot differentiate the distant objects. The patient suffers from myopia. The contact lenses and image-guided system (IGS) purvey the services to cure the flat corneal meridian.

What is Steep Corneal Meridian?

The steep corneal meridian disorder may cause hyperopia. The patients have faced the steep corneal meridian about 0.05 D. The professionals are expertise to transfigure the steep corneal meridian to the round one at nearly 10 degrees. Before the intraocular implementation, the increment of nearly 3 mm incision is recorded. The treatment of the steep corneal meridian by the location is categorized into temporal, supertemporal, and superior.

What is Incision Flattening TORIC?

The incision flattening TORIC is crucial in its rule as it proffers the corneal surface for the operation of the eye. The incision flattening TORICdiminish the astigmatic value to zero. The incision flattening TORIClens plays a crucial role in this regard. Within 3 months, TA decreases to 0.05. The corneal surface goes on thick. The corneal surface of 0.05 D and PCA greater than 0.35 shows that the steep axis of the corneal astigmatism is being shifted and ultimately it will increase the refractive cylindrical number.

Vector Planning For Hyperopic Astigmatism:

The vector planning for hyperopic astigmatism is to treat it by common mechanisms. Eyesight glasses, and laser surgery. Cataract surgery along with astigmatism is also associated with specific concerns, the magnitude, and axis of corneal astigmatism, and cylindrical number are the main concern before the vector planning for hyperopic astigmatism. The cases where the cylindrical numbers are not applicable, the refractive cylinder parameters. The vector planning for hyperopic astigmatism proffers the direction to the doctors to manoeuver hyperopic astigmatism and give the chances to attain 0% and 100%.